1300 738 229

NADO Disability Advisory Board

Seeking Expressions of Interest

NADO’s Disability Advisory Board (DAB) has been created to provide advice and feedback to the Board of NADO about important issues that effect the lives of people with disability. The input from the DAB will guide the work that NADO does so that it stays relevant, accessible, innovative, collaborative and sustainable.

The DAB is comprised of between 4-6 people aged over 18 who live with a disability or are carers or other persons with relevant experience of disability. The majority of the DAB are comprised of people who have lived experience of disability.

The DAB will meet at least twice annually to discuss and provide advice and feedback on topics either generated by the Board of NADO or raised by the DAB that are important to the integrity of NADO’s work, for example issues raised through the Disability Royal Commission. An agenda will be provided no less than 30 days from the meeting date.

A vacancy currently exists for a person with lived experience of disability. This is a voluntary role. You do not need to have any connection to NADO services to be eligible for a DAB position.

The meetings will be held on a Tuesday or Thursday afternoon between 5pm-7pm at NADO’s office, 28 Gidley St, St Marys. Refreshments will be provided.

To apply, please email your Expression of Interest to [email protected] with a brief outline about you and your experiences that you feel would be relevant to this role.

For more information please contact CEO, Denise Heath at NADO 1300 738 229.